List of active policies

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Shout 85258 Code of Conduct Site policy All users


Shout 85258 Code of Conduct

Full policy

Code of Conduct

We are enormously grateful for the time and generosity you give as a Shout Volunteer. 

Our service is a vital support for people who are struggling to cope and relies on a warm, empathetic, respectful community of volunteers, staff and supporters.

To keep everybody safe we require you to follow this code of conduct, which applies to behaviour towards and between members of the community using the platform, our learning and community hub, and any other spaces provided by Shout. 

The Shout community 

  • I will treat all members of the Shout community with courtesy, and will respect the boundaries and privacy of others. 

  • I recognise the Shout community is a group with many different identities and lived experiences. While I may not understand every perspective, I will listen to and support everybody with respect, equity, and a celebration of their uniqueness. 

  • I will refrain from making transphobic, homophobic, racist or discriminatory statements. 

  • I will be mindful of what I disclose in community spaces and how I disclose it, and will refrain from using graphic descriptors or very personal details. 

Volunteer commitment 

  • I will volunteer 2-4 hours per week for a minimum of 200 hours.

  • I will not take conversations for more than four hours in any 24-hour period, and no more than 16 hours in any seven-day period. 

  • I will notify a member of the volunteer support team if I am planning to take a break from volunteering for more than two weeks, and again upon returning. 

  • I understand that I may need to refresh my skills if I do not take a conversation for more than five weeks. 

  • I will retake volunteer training to ensure I am able to support texters safely if I do not take a conversation for six months or more, or at the request of a member of the volunteer support team. 

  • I accept that I may need to reapply and retrain if I do not take a conversation for more than 12 months. 

Volunteer core training commitment 

  • I have taken into account my calendar (such as holidays, study or work) and expect to be able to complete core training in the time allowed. 

  • I understand that if I am unable to complete core training, my progress will not be saved and I will need to reapply.


  • I will volunteer only from the United Kingdom or New Zealand. 

  • When volunteering I will use a computer (not a tablet or smartphone) connected to a stable, password-protected internet connection. 

  • I will volunteer in a private distraction-free space where my screen is not visible to others.

  • I will not take or distribute images, recordings, or copies of any part of the platform, training, or any other materials I have access to as a Shout Volunteer. 

  • If referring to my role on social media platforms, LinkedIn, CVs or applications for work or employment, I will use the title ‘Shout Volunteer’ only and not imply any form of employment.

  • I will obtain permission from Shout before speaking to any media or using any part of our service for research or solicitation. 

Supporting our texters 

  • I will not share any identifying information about texters, conversations, or other volunteers with anyone other than Shout staff. 

  • I will follow Shout’s training, policies and procedures at all times and treat each texter with respect and an open-minded attitude, using the skills taught within the Shout Volunteer training.

  • Other than my name (or a pseudonym) I will not share personal information about myself, or attempt to initiate contact with texters outside the platform.

  • I will provide clear written support in a timely manner, and understand that as a text-based mental health service I must be proficient in written English and comprehension. 

  • I will report misconduct, violations of our policies, or concerns about these, by using the ‘Talk to Us’ facility on the platform, by email to a member of the volunteer support team or to our helpdesk. 


  • I will check in with myself before and during shifts to make sure I am able to support texters with compassion and empathy. I will debrief tough conversations with my supervisor using the debrief channel on the platform, or with a member of the volunteer support team afterwards. 

  • I recognise that this work can be challenging, and I will reach out to a supervisor or member of the volunteer support team if I feel triggered or need a break.

  • I will respect and fulfill requests from Shout staff members to take time away from the platform to engage in self-care.  

  • If I find myself struggling with my own mental health I will not seek support using my platform account or within the community. I understand that I am always able to text Shout confidentially and anonymously, and that if I text in the person supporting me will not know I am a Shout Volunteer unless I choose to say so. 

Learning and development

  • I will apply the Shout framework to the best of my ability when supporting texters, and understand that feedback provided by members of staff is given in texters' best interests.

  • I will use the support available to me (for example support and debrief chats, peer supporters, toolbox, learning and development hub) to develop my skills as a Shout Volunteer. 

  • I agree to respectfully acknowledge communication in a timely manner, and will apply feedback and guidance given by Shout staff as best I can. 

  • If I am asked to, I will complete additional training, learning, or development activities to improve my skills and to help ensure the safety of texters.

I confirm I will follow this code of conduct and understand that if I do not, my ability to volunteer may be suspended or withdrawn.